Machine Pitch Game

The car park was full, but the crowd wasn't there to watch the Heat play, no they came to see two genuine baseball teams go at each other.

The crowd had come to see the Blue Wings and the Blackhawks play the first game of Machine Pitch Baseball for the season.

From the outset it was clear that the Hawks Nest was going to be a frantic place. The two teams stared each other down before the game, like two kids eye out the only piece of chalk in a room full of blackboards.

The coaches tried to keep the peace, but it was clear - feathers were going to be rustled, and there was nothing anybody could do about it.

The Blue Wings were the first to bat, and they came out swinging. In a bold move they all started swinging as they left the dugout, and it payed off for them, they punished the white ball by hitting it to all parts of the infield.

Ayman, Yusuf, Chekia, Ziyad, Sakinah, Saria, Humza, Kalven and Kurt all hitting for the Blue Wings. They spared no infielder, but the Blackhawks swooped on everything that the Blue Wings flung their way and there were close plays at 1st base. Thankfully there were enough adults on the field to keep the peace.

Then it was the Blackhawks turn to inflict some damage, they returned fire, a new baseball was commissioned, the old one too battered to carry on. Mark, Riley, Heemi-Robbie, Tyler, Lochlan, Brayden, Jaylah, Carlton, Jason and Caleb, hitting for the Balckhawks.

The Blackhawks ran suspicious routes to the bases in an attempt to fool the Blue Wings, but the seasoned Blue Wings players held their nerve and made the plays.

As the game progressed the batting hotted up, as did the fielding, and towards the end of the game Steve Fish was seen handing playing contracts out to players’ parents.

The game ended amidst confusion - balls, bats, caps, were being flung around, and that was just amongst the spectators, it was hard to see what was going on in the field.

Who won…. no one could say… too close to call they said… they will need to play the game over next week they said!

Well done to all the players and thanks to the parents and supporters.

See you at the Nest next Friday.